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A very warm welcome to the Xavier Catholic Education Trust.

We are a group of Catholic schools who work together in our mission to inspire, nurture and fulfil the calling of every person we encounter and the potential of every school we serve; growing together in faith, hope and love. We believe that each one of us is called by God personally to fulfil their potential; to make a difference that makes the part of the world they occupy a better place. This is particularly important for the children, who are at the start of their journey to fulfil their calling and only get one chance at experiencing high-quality provisions in school.

Across our schools we strive for excellence in all that we do. We are constantly seeking to improve our practice and the provision that the children experience to secure opportunities for growth.

Click on the links in this section to learn more about our purpose, mission and values. 


As a trust, we also run a number of other enterprises, which share our unique purpose and mission. Together we find, train, retain and develop great teachers to work in schools across the South East. We do this through internships, teacher training and leadership development. We also run the Teaching School Hub for our region, providing professional development for over four hundred schools.

As CEO, I have the privilege of coordinating the work of our schools as we respond to our calling and strive towards excellence together. If you have any suggestions as to how we can continue to do this, please get in touch!

James Kibble